I serve senior leaders & influential changemakers to get unstuck & better connected.
Connected to themselves, connected to the people they serve & use these powerful connections to create the results they want.
Working with me
You can expect an increase in energy, better decision making, deeper meaning in your work & in life, more space for creativity & a stronger ability to make the moves you were born to make.
Most leaders are better connected to their organisation’s strategy than they are to their own heart & the hearts of the people they lead & the communities they serve.
I am here to change that
I help you explore the joining point between personal development & spiritual growth. Becoming the best version of us, coming into our true power & essence.
I work 1:1, small group development circles, speaker events & leadership training.
Listen to my NEW podcast series
Brand new podcast from Lazara Canton who is a Mentor/Guide to Senior Leaders & Influential Change Makers.
I am here to explore the connection between personal development and spiritual growth.
The joining point where the human experience of growth meets soul evolution.
Pushing ourselves to be the best version of us.
Coming in to our true essence and power.
Are you ready to get unstuck & better connected
“ Every belief you hold to be true drives your thought patterns and behaviours, which in turn determine the Outcomes in your life”
What beliefs are driving your life?
As seen in…

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